viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Showdown: Group work or Collaborative Learning?

When planning a TEPBLL is important to have a lot of organization and an alternative plan for contingencies because collaborative learning projects require many strategic planning. Therefore, deciding what kind of interaction you want your students to have it's an essential step in the process. Here's a word cloud of two types of interaction: Collaborative Learning and Group Work. They sound very similar, and sometimes they are referred as synonyms, but actually they're not. I made them with a program called TAGUL, an easy, fast and useful webpage for creating word clouds. You can use them to create  infographic-like visualisations to enhance students learning. 

Once you've seen the both words clouds I made with the main concepts of each one, I think it's clear which one I want to use as a future teacher: Collaborative Learning. However, the key difference remains in the fact that collaborative learning requires positive interdependence with structured goals, accountability for individual work within the group, sharing of leadership roles, explicit teaching of collaborative skills and teacher observation of students interaction whereas group work, has no positive interdependence between group members and no structured goals, no accountability for an individual's share of a groups work, no explicit assignment of leadership roles, the assumption that students already have the skills required to collaborate and little to no teacher observation. 
Therefore, it's essential to promote collaborative learning, especially in the context of TEPBLL, in order for student's to truly co-construct knowledge. 
I would like to end up this section with a quote I really like about collaboration: