jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


Since it's my learner reflection, I'm going to try my best to show you what I've learned in a very visual way, because that's the way I consider my learning and teaching style. Moreover, in each post it will appear a different type of technological tool, from the ones I've used during this course, specially my favorite ones. However, all the pictures with text are made me in Power Point, I have to modify it and turn it into pictures, otherwise the "Blog" wouldn't recognize the fonts that I'm using. Just in case you're curious, I've downloaded all of the fonts from this website, I'll add the link below if you are interested.

 All of the patterns and pictures are just random things I find in google, for example, I search for the word notebook, and then add a paper, or a polaroid or stripes and it becomes what you will see. I don't have any knowledge on Photoshop whatsoever, (I wish) but for example if I want to delete a text from a picture I use Paint. Yes. That old program everybody has forgotten about.
 If you want me to send you the power point templates I've made throught the course, I'll be enchanted to share them with you. Hope you enjoy my reflection.